Passover Exodus Twitplay
Educator Lisi Geffen was looking for a creative way to interest high school students in learning the Pesach story, which they study year after year. Her creative solution is today’s technology teaching tip – The Pesach Twitplay. You’ve heard the Passover story, now watch it unfold, in real time, with a modern twist, on Twitter. 8 characters live the story over 3 weeks. The characters in this play are being played by a group of online educators and their friends as a pilot run for this activity. Follow them on Twitter using the #exod2011 hashtag.
From BabagaNewz Technology Tuesdays:
In Your Classroom: Assign each student the role of one character from the story and have them open an account on Twitter as their character (or open the accounts for them). Make up a schedule of events day-by-day for the duration of the play to keep the story moving and make sure that everyone is on the same page. Then have each student spend a few weeks tweeting from their character’s perspective as the story unfolds. They can tweet when they have time, respond to each other’s tweets, and even link to interesting or relevant photos and videos. Placing yourself into the story and imagining it in modern times using social media gives it a whole new spin.
You can see the full list of characters in Lisi’s Pesach twitplay at The Pesach Twitplay, which also has links to the twitter feed for the play and a brief video explaining the project.
Visit the Wikihow Twitter Tutorial to learn the Twitter lingo and how to use the social media site.
This creative project can be replicated for any story in Tanakh or Jewish history that you are teaching in class.