Useful Web Tools for Jewish Educators and Teacher Trainers
Source: Useful Web Tools
Dr. Richard D. Solomon, veteran educator, teacher trainer and author has spent the last months creating and publishing an annotated list of useful online web tools for Jewish educators and teacher trainers. The list is a cooperative effort of Jewish educators and edtech mavens produced on an online Google Docs Spreadsheet. The web applications are organized by category and contain a description and links to tutorials about them and examples of their use in general and Jewish education. Educators are invited to try these tools and use them with their students. The list is open for Jewish educators to add their own favorite web tools to share with their colleagues.
Among the categories covered in the listing:
- animation
- audio
- blogging
- bookmarking
- collaborative writing
- comic strip
- course management
- file converting
- file storage
- graphic organizer, inquiry
- mind mapping
- personal and work organization
- presentation
- remote control and screen sharing
- screen capture
- screen recording
- social networking
- survey
- time-lining
- video hosting
- web camera recording
- web conferencing
- website creation
- word collage and
- miscellaneous tools
The listing also contains a collection of additional websites that contain listings of web tools for educational use.