National Havurah Committee Summer Institute 2011

From Section:
Conferences & Events
Aug. 01, 2011
August 1-7, 2011

Source: Summer Institute 2011 


The National Havurah Committee will be holding its annual Summer Institute on August 1-7, 2011 at Franklin Pierce University, Rindge, NH. The NHC’s flagship program, the week-long Summer Institute, is a unique opportunity for serious study, moving prayer, spirited conversation, late-night jam sessions, singing, dancing, swimming, meditation, and hiking – all in the company of more than 300 people from a wide range of backgrounds.


The 2011 Summer Institute theme is Y’hi Shalom B’cheilech – May There Be Peace Within Your Walls (Psalm 122). The participants will be thinking about the ways in which they each build peace, through their scholarship, activism, and other pursuits. The 2011 Summer Institute falls within the nine days leading up to Tisha B’Av, a period of contemplating the breakdown of historic Jewish walls and communities. Through the week of Institute, the participants will explore how to build peacefully, and how to overcome the sin’at chinam, or communal strife, which our tradition says caused Ancient Israel’s walls to collapse.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
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