DavenSpot – School Prayer Blog

From Section:
Learning Resources
May. 22, 2011

Source: DavenSpot


An initiative of the Lookstein Center for Jewish Education in the Diaspora - DavenSpot aims to create a platform for educators who are instigating dynamic energy to school prayer. The ultimate question here is how do we teach people to daven and how can we evaluate our progress.


In the opening post to DavenSpot, Marc Rosenberg wrote:

"But whenever I reflect in shul, which is often, I see that there is very little instruction on how to actually make your davening meaningful. There are plenty of texts (many of which will be reviewed in this blog) on the perfunctory steps that need to happen to effect a prayer experience and lots of equipment that is needed to give atmosphere, but very little practical advice on what to actually think about as the davening happens.


This is a forum to explore how to make prayer in general, but particularly in our schools, a more meaningful educational expression of this holy tradition. One of our first conversations will be about how to evaluate the success of these prayer sessions in schools and if there is a way to assess how the students improve and the instructor inspires and educates."


Among recent posts on the blog:

  • In Shul to Talk or to Pray?
  • Guest Post: What Jewish Practice Has Been Most Responsible for Jewish Continuity?
  • Free Online Siddur
  • Groupthink and Group Prayer
  • Summer Time
  • The Impact of Tearful Prayers

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Assessment | Liturgy | Online resources | Prayer