Twitter Comes to Life at ISTE
Source: AVI CHAI Educational Technology Blog
Rabbi Aaron Ross of Yavneh Academy gives a vivid description of the importance of the Twitter social network in the life of an educator. He tells of his special "Twitter moments" at last week's conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
After citing a number of meaningful personal stories he concludes:
"What is common in all of these anecdotes, and probably thousands of others that people could tell from ISTE, is that they highlighted the fact that Twitter is just a tool, but a very effective one. While I have learned much from so many people in snippet-length tweets, the most important thing to come out of all of that is the basis for real human interactions and relationships. Having interacted with people via Twitter, I knew to seek them out to learn more from them. I agree that networking with people in a blind fashion is missing something, but there is no question that it can certainly be a step to greater things."