Israel Sci-Tech Curriculum Making Impact at U.S. Jewish Day Schools
Source: Israel Sci-Tech Schools
A science and technology program designed by Israel Sci-Tech Schools Network (ISTSN) has been exported to the United States for the first time this academic year to seven Jewish day schools – all in the New York area. The program is a pilot project in the schools, in collaboration with ISTSN and the Center for Innovation in Jewish Education (CIJE), which offers funding and ongoing support to educators.
In all, 150 students among participating schools are enrolled in the Sci-Tech program this year. Five new schools will be added in the fall, and 25 are expected to offer the program within five years. Educators and CIJE officials said the ISTSN curriculum is especially strong, appealing and credible because it comes out of Israel, a hub of the high-tech industry and bastion of scientific advancements.
Before the school year began, science teachers from the seven schools convened on Long Island for a multi-day immersion into the Sci-Tech curriculum, led by ISTSN educators from Israel. In February, the American teachers traveled to Israel to continue training and to visit ISTSN schools.
The curriculum is geared at students in high school, precisely the years when many of them are giving initial, serious thought to college and careers. Using a successful Israeli model in an American Jewish day school has the potential to create personal and professional connections, both for educators and for students in both countries, some teachers noted.
Project implementers envision the day when American and Israeli students are connected through their computers or in person to work on joint projects.
Read more about the project at the Friends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools website.