The Tikvah Institute on Zionist Thought and Statesmanship

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Israel Education
Jun. 23, 2012
June 23 – July 21, 2013

Source: Tikvah Institute 


For one month in the summer of 2013 (June23 – July 21), a select group of students and young professionals from the U.S., Canada and Israel will explore together the Jewish roots of Zionist thought, the founding visions of Zionism, and the history of Israel’s leading statesmen and their decisions that shaped the Israeli State at the Tikvah Institute on Zionist Thought and Statesmanship at the Ein Prat Academy of Leadership outside of Jerusalem.


By engaging in close readings of the canonical texts of Judaism, seminal writings of Zionist thinkers, and case studies of Israeli Statesmen and leaders, the students will delve into the origins of Zionism, competing visions of the Zionist Idea, and the existential challenges that have faced, and continue to face, the Jewish State. North American students will live and study with their Israeli peers, travel to beautiful and important parts of the country, and meet with prominent academics and public figures.


All programmatic costs including tuition, housing and meals will be covered and all students will receive a $2500 fellowship which they may apply towards the costs of their airfare (where applicable) and other personal expenses. Applicants must be between the ages of 20 and 29. All food will be kosher and all programming will be Shabbat-compatible. The program is a joint initiative of the Tikvah Fund and the Ein Prat Academy for Leadership.


Application deadline to the Institute is January 31, 2013

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Fellowships | Israel education | Israel programs | Young adults