Midreshet Devora Opens Kosher Culinary Track
Source: Midreshet Devora
Midreshet Devora is pleased to announce that they have teamed up with Jerusalem Culinary Institute’s (JCI) Professional Program to provide young women who are looking to pursue a career as cooks or caterers with courses in Culinary, Patisserie and Bread Making. Observant women between the ages of 18-26 can combine serious Torah study and exposure to the Land and culture of Israel at Midreshet Devora with the Professional Program at JCI.
The JCI track at Midreshet Devora is a great option for a young woman who is looking for something different from a regular Midrasha experience. Through this combined program, she can spend her year at a Midrasha in Jerusalem and go home with a diploma which can help her get a job in the industry. Unlike culinary schools abroad, JCI is Kosher Mehadrin which gives the young chefs the ability to sample what they have made as well as learn about the kosher food industry.
Generous scholarships and college credits are available for those who qualify.
For more information about Midreshet Devora and its culinary track visit their website.