MOFET Teach 2014 – Education for Sustainability – Study Tour and Conference in Israel

From Section:
Conferences & Events
Jan. 20, 2014
January 20-28, 2014

Source: MOFET Teach 2014 


On January 20-28, 2014 the MOFET International Channel will hold a study session in Israel on the topic of education for sustainability – MOFET Teach 2014. The encounter will comprise three parts: a study tour on wheels, a conference at The MOFET Institute and a visit to the International Cleantech 2014 Exhibition.

The Structure of the Study Tour

  • Campus on Weels 

    The participants will be exposed to study programs, educational initiatives, and fascinating projects in the field, while visiting various institutions in the education system and its support centers. They will experience first-hand what is being done in Israel concerning education for sustainability in the framework of the education and teacher education systems, public campaigns, climate-related solutions, and exposure to the original and crucial technological developments in the green industry in Israel.

  • Mini Conference 

    One day of the study tour will be devoted to a mini-conference in which the participants and Israeli guests will be able to present and discuss projects and research on education for sustainability in which they are involved.

  • The International Cleantech Exhibition 

    Another day will be devoted to visiting the International "Cleantech 2014" Exhibition:The 18th International Summit and Exhibition for Renewable Energy and Water Technologies, Recycling and Environmental Quality, Infrastructure and Green Building.

  • A Taste of Israel
    In addition to the unique professional experience, the program affords a fascinating encounter with the history of Israel – a country whose location between two continents is responsible for its historical role as an intercultural bridge as well as a route for transporting merchandise and as a path for bird migration and animals.

For costs & further information please write to Ms. Bilha Cohen.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Conferences | Ecology | Israel programs | Professional development | Sustainability