BJPA Reader's Guide: Immersive & Experiential Education
Source: BJPA
From Professor Lee Shulman's Introduction: "This Readers Guide on Immersive & Experiential Education features a rich array of program descriptions, theoretical and conceptual analyses, policy briefs and program evaluations. Taken together, I am persuaded that we live in the most innovative and exciting era of ever experienced in Jewish education. The post - Pew eulogies for Jewish education notwithstanding, this is a Golden Age of thoughtful experimentation and ambitious invention in our field. I am encouraged by the parallels between these developments in Jewish education and exciting work in general education. I am particularly encouraged to see, both in Jewish education and more generally, that programs of careful research and evaluation are increasing as well. Jewish education will progress more rapidly and successfully if accompanied by high-quality evaluation and research. We see some lovely examples of those genres in this Readers Guide. I look forward to seeing more in the future."
The BJPA Reader's Guide on Immersive & Experiential Education contains links to articles and studies in the following areas:
- About the Field
- Service Learning
- Environment & Outdoors
- Long-Term Israel Immersion
- Short-Term Israel Immersion
- Camp Education