It’s All About Asking the Right Questions
Source: Jewish Educational Leadership. Spring 2014 (12:2) pages 4-5
This year, DigitalJLearning Network schools went through a mini-planning process to articulate how the blended learning they are doing supports academic needs and goals. For many, it was a new way of thinking. But in going through the process and asking the right questions, schools that did it well noticed the benefits almost immediately.
During a call with one of the schools, an administrator told me that while she was hesitant at first, the process helped to clarify what they were doing and why. It also gave them a foundation from which to build and a framework under which to access. In other words: They weren’t just doing blended learning because everyone says it’s a great way to teach. They’re using it because they’ve identified the right match for it and the desired outcomes they expect to see as a result….
Blended learning can most definitely help improve student achievement, but not if the teacher doesn’t understand how to blend the learning properly. Technology resources, including blended learning models, can help us access information and learning opportunities we may never have dreamed possible before. In order for them to be any help at all, they must be integrated by a talented educator who understands what drives their use, and knows how to use them meaningfully in support of learning. When blended learning is successful, it’s not so because of the technology alone. It all boils down to thoughtful planning and good teaching, whichever tools you choose.
Read more at Jewish Educational Leadership.