Adult Jewish Learning: What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Know?

From Section:
Adult Education
May. 22, 2005

Source: Journal of Jewish Education, Volume 71, Issue 2 May 2005 , pages 179 - 200

This article describes the emergence of the field of adult Jewish learning and the need for research in this burgeoning aspect of contemporary Jewish life. The authors describe the context in which the upsurge of adult Jewish learning has occurred, drawing attention to the absence of systematic data collection about programs, funding structures, or long-term impacts.

They review existing research about adult Jewish learners, learning experiences, and teachers, and identify three categories (and numerous questions) for future research:


(1) the purposes of adult Jewish learning; 
(2) adult Jewish learning settings, subject matter, and methods of instruction; 
(3) underrepresented groups in adult Jewish learning programs.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
North America | Research review