Shinui: the Network for Innovation in Part-Time Jewish Education Launches Webinar Series

From Section:
In-Service Training
Jan. 14, 2015
January 14, 2015

Source: eJewish Philanthropy


As more congregations experiment with new, dynamic, and engaging Jewish learning opportunities, Shinui: the Network for Innovation in Part-Time Jewish Education is sharing insight and innovative education models to help communities across the country. Earlier this week, Shinui launched a four-part webinar series on various stages of a congregation’s “change process,” designed to help and connect agencies, staff, educators, and other individuals across communities. Each webinar is led by innovators in different communities and focuses on a concrete element of the change process.


The first webinar focused on Managing the Change Process. Future webinars will focus on real-time assessment and realignment, sustaining a culture of change in congregations, and the critical, first steps that often go into both assessing readiness and implementing change.


Each Shinui learning agency – in Cleveland, Houston, Philadelphia, New York, and San Francisco – has a manche (coach) who works with local congregations and organizations to spark, nurture, and spread educational innovation. The team of manchim regularly shares the innovations occurring in their local communities with the four other Shinui communities. Now, that sharing will occur more broadly through the webinar series and other online resources.


Some new education models integrate technology into the learning experience; deepen connections to Israel; teach Hebrew in more meaningful and relevant ways; and bring the camp experience into schools.


Click here to register for future Shinui webinars.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Congregational schools | Innovation | In-service training | Webinars