The 2015 Matan Institute for Education and Youth Directors
Source: Matan
The Matan Institute is Matan’s flagship training program for Jewish professionals. An ongoing initiative, it builds upon Matan’s vision to change the landscape of Jewish education and its communal approach to children with special needs. The Matan Institute for Congregational Education Directors accepts a maximum of 25 Education Directors who commit to a two-day program at the beginning, and another two days at the end. In between they participate in four webinars that provide additional training, as well as work with an assigned Matan Mentor for ongoing support on a specific inclusion goal.
The Institute will be held on June 14-15, 2015, November 16, 2015 and April 4-5, 2016 at 520 Eighth Avenue, 4th floor, New York, NY 10018.
Presentation topics to date have included:
- Learning Styles and Differentiated Instruction
- Inclusion in a Jewish Context and the Benefits of Inclusion
- Communicating with Families and Family-Centered Care
- Positive Behavior Supports and Task Analysis
- Bullying
- Executive Functioning
- Change Management Theory
The Matan Institute participants receive guides for including children with special needs in Jewish education, concrete teaching tools for reaching all students and a new network of like-minded Jewish professionals (fellow participants) with whom to engage on an ongoing basis. This is a one of a kind opportunity in the Jewish community.
For more information see here.