Mishpacha: A Virtual Community for Real Jewish Parents
Source: Mishpacha: A Virtual Community for Real Jewish Parents
Mishpacha is for parents who find that what they learned as Jewish children isn't enough to build their own Jewish families. A starting point for a spiritual journey, Mishpacha provides guideposts to Jewish belief, practice and community, as well as a group of fellow travelers to join with on the journey.
Mishpacha consists of this Web site -- an introductory guide to Jewish life -- and private virtual communities. The guide aims to survey the most important ideas of Jewish life, practice and culture, always asking the question: Is this relevant for our lives?
The virtual communities provide an opportunity for groups of parents to come together on-line, encountering each other and their Jewish identities. Each community spends three months exploring Judaism with a professional facilitator, after which they can decide how to continue on their own.
The core of the Mishpacha program is a three-month course in Jewish life, designed to serve as a springboard for discussion and on-line conversation. This course will explore the Jewish lifecycle, calendar, history, culture and tradition. It will take place through readings available on the Web site, a small selection of books that will be provided and -- most importantly -- through private on-line message boards and live chats.
Mishpacha is a project of the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture website: