Hone Your Teaching Craft through Online Courses from MOFET International

From Section:
Teacher Education
Sep. 20, 2015
September 20, 2015

Source: Tech Rav Blog


I would like to share with you some wonderful online learning opportunities through the MOFET Institute. MOFET which is based in Israel offers online courses in English on the Educational Use of Information and Communication Technologies as well as enrichment courses in teaching Jewish Studies. Full disclosure, I teach a course in each of these programs on Using Web 2.0 Tools to Transform Teaching and Learning and on Using Technology to Teach Talmud and Torah She’Baal Peh.


What I find to be most rewarding about these courses is the incredible diversity of the students. I have had students from 6 continents, Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe, North America, and South America and from various cultural and religious backgrounds. This diversity creates a rich discussion and fruitful sharing which would not be possible in a conventional course in a brick and mortar school. I welcome you to enroll in one of these courses. The Fall Semester begins on October 18, 2015 so there is still time to register.


For more information about MOFET's various course offerings click here for ICT in Education and here for Enrichment Courses in the field of Teaching Jewish Studies.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Distance education | In-service training | MOFET International | Technology