Inaugural Summit on Jewish Service Scheduled for September
Source: Repair the World
The inaugural “Service Matters: A Summit on Jewish Service” will be held in New York September 15, 2016, bringing together a diverse group of professionals, social entrepreneurs, current and prospective funders, Jewish educators, and others working to engage people – especially Jewish millennials – in meaningful service through a Jewish lens.
Speakers and sessions will explore innovations in service, how service relates to justice, how service relates to faith, the funding of service initiatives, and the overall state of the Jewish service field today. Presenters and session facilitators will include both Jewish and non-Jewish educators, nonprofit leaders, social entrepreneurs, politicians, actors, and others who are both committed to service and have successes and challenges to share. The Summit will be followed the next day with a day of Service opportunities.
The Summit is being convened by Repair the World, partnering with Hillel International, Moishe House, a few Jewish Federations, BBYO, the REALITY network and others, as well as with secular service-related organizations including Points of Light, and City Year.