Me'ah: One Hundred Hours of Adult Study

From Section:
Adult Education
Mar. 21, 2008

Source: Me'ah: Jewish Continuing Education


Me’ah is a two-year adult Jewish learning program, sponsored by Hebrew College and Combined Jewish Philanthropies’ Commission on Jewish Continuity and Education. Taught by renowned professors and scholars, Me’ah immerses active Jewish learners in core Jewish texts, providing them with a framework for understanding Jewish culture and civilization across four eras—biblical, rabbinic, medieval and modern. Me’ah gives students the opportunity to grow as literate students of Jewish life, and to join a growing community of adult learners

Me'ah is a transdenominational program developed and launched in 1994 by Hebrew College in partnership with Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Boston's Federation, and continues to be supported by federations in numerous communities. Since then, Me'ah has grown to more than 30 sites in the New England and North Eastern area of the USA, with over 2,500 graduates.

Me'ah students enroll in a two year course of weekly study in biblical, rabbinic, medieval and modern texts in English translation for a total of about 100 hours (me'ah in Hebrew = 100). Me'ah instructors are accomplished scholars in Judaics, with advanced degrees, communication skills geared for adult education, and the ability to adapt their own strengths and approaches both to the Me'ah curriculum and to a range of learning styles. Classes are held at synagogues and community centers weekly for about twenty annual three hour sessions for two years.

Through reading and analyzing core texts and ideas, the Me'ah program helps participants develop a framework for understanding Jewish culture and civilization. It aims to help its participants become part of the 3000 year old Jewish "conversation". Many Me'ah graduates go on to pursue further Jewish learning.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Adult education | North America | Text study