Dr. Beth Samuels High School Summer Program at Drisha Institute
Source: Drisha Institute
High school students from around the world spend five weeks (June 27 – July 28, 2017) together, building their knowledge and friendships at Drisha Institute. Known as the Dr. Beth Samuels High School Program, it provides young women with an opportunity to immerse in the study of classical Jewish texts, including Tanakh, Talmud, Halakha and Philosophy. Students live together and engage in both academic and social activities throughout the month
As a program participant, you will have the chance to engage in serious study of Jewish topics and texts beyond the scope of a high school classroom. You will develop your ability to analyze these essential texts, challenge yourself to ask questions and engage in thought-provoking discussions.
Students at Drisha form a close bond as they immerse themselves in new experiences both in and out of the beit midrash. They are united by a love of Torah and a deep respect for each other’s perspectives. Summer in New York City is experienced through art, culture, sports, local festivals and by enjoying the vibe that NYC life has to offer. Memories are recorded in a yearbook and over the course of the year relationships continue to grow through social media channels, listservs and mid-year shabbatonim.
Funding for this program is provided by grants from several of our generous donors. Admitted students will receive a full fellowship.
Click here for more information and registration.