Call for Proposals for Hayidion: Summer Homework
Source: Hayidiyon
Prizmah publication, Hayidion, invites you or a colleague to submit an article proposal for its summer issue. The theme of the issue is Summer Homework.
Article topics may include, but are not limited, to the following topics: issues surrounding summer homework for students; summer enrichment; continuing Jewish behaviors and learning, including tefillah and middot; the "summer slide": how real, how serious; connecting camp and school; summer work for the board: preparing for development, cultivation, governance work; uses of the school campus over the summer, and maintaining and upgrading facilities; admissions' team: preparations for setting up systems and training ambassadors; summer professional development for teachers: opportunities and setting goals; professional development in Israel; schools that keep staff connected over the summer; summer reading: for administrators, teachers, students; professional development needs for school heads and other administrators; inspiring ways to refresh and reconnect over the summer; reflections on work/life balance; suggestions for young or new teachers to sharpen their skills; the work of developing/revising strategy among funders.
We look for articles that present ideas in fresh ways, offer new, lesser known, and unexpected approaches, engage with current literature and trends, reflect honestly upon challenges in the field, and have an eye trained on innovative, successful initiatives. Please note: articles must have a clear and compelling argument that gives shape to the whole.
Please send short proposals, 1-3 sentences only, to Elliot Rabin by Monday, February 27th. The deadline for article submission is Monday, April 3rd. No article will be considered without an accepted proposal. Articles are ca.1000-2000 words in length.