The 42nd Jewish Reconstructionist Federation Convention in Boston
Source: The Jewish Reconstructionist Federation (JRF)
The Jewish Reconstructionist Federation will be holding its forty second Conference – Transformative Judaism for the 21st Century – in Boston, MA between November 13-16, 2008. At the conference, workshops will be offered on just about every imaginable area of Jewish communal life, including education, congregational development, tikkun olam, leadership, ritual and liturgy, youth, Israel, spirituality, and the arts.
A Plenary Session on Identity, Community and Leadership
Four special Forums:
- Building the Jewish Identity of the Next Generation with Jonathan Woocher and Jerry Silverman
- Strengthening and Transforming Congregational Life with Rabbi Hayim Herring and Amy L. Sales
- Rethinking the Role of Movements in the 21st Century with Rabbi Joy Levitt and Rabbi Sid Schwarz
- What is the Forefront of Tikkun Olam? with Rabbi Toba Spitzer and others
Professor Jonathan Sarna will be giving an address on: American Judaism at a Crossroads: A Perspective on Reconstructionism from a Jewish Historian.
RENA (Reconstructionist Educators of North America) and Harmoniyah - the Reconstructionist Music Network will again be participating in the Convention.