The Lost Light - A New and Free Innovative Educational Film for the Three Weeks

From Section:
Learning Resources
Mar. 03, 2017

Source: Torah Live 


How do we teach kids to put interpersonal relationships first? How can we take advantage of the Three Weeks to improve our own relationships? The first step in better relationships is to avoid lashon hara and to build people up instead of tearing them down.

A groundbreaking Torah Live educational film, The Lost Light, is the perfect way to emphasize the importance of proper speech. The full-length film demonstrates how words can make an impact, and teaches how to avoid hearing or speaking lashon hara.

This is no ordinary instructional film. It entertains and fascinates with comedic narration, animated cartoons, special effects and intriguing story lines. It’s so nuanced that it is suitable for both children and adults.

From now until July 23, 2017 (Rosh Chodesh Av), the film is available for free at the Torah Live website, after signing up for a free membership to Torah Live.

Torah Live is producing high-quality multimedia presentations about Judaism for both adults and children. Its mission is to create cutting-edge multimedia presentations that communicate Jewish values in a non-preachy, well organized, and energetic manner. Over the last few years, Torah Live has created many popular multimedia presentations, which have been screened at over 1,000 venues in more than 100 cities worldwide, to both secular and religious audiences. Our mission is to translate every good character trait, halacha and important hashkafa into the language of our generation.

Updated: Nov. 27, 2017
Ethics | Multimedia | Online resources | Video