Call for Papers - Jewish Summer Camps as Educational Resources

From Section:
Informal Education
Aug. 01, 2017
The editors of the Journal of Jewish Education are planning a themed issue on Jewish summer camps.  We are seeking research on day or residential summer camps that self-identify as Jewish camps. The focus of the research is to be on camps as a Jewish educational resource. The camps may be located in North or South America, Europe or Israel and serve a camper population from between the age range of 5-17. Research on educational staff at camp and camp alumni is also most welcome.
We are interested in papers from a range of disciplinary vantage points including (but not limited to):
  • The history of Jewish camps
  • Sociological and ethnographic studies of the social and cultural dynamics of camp life
  • Evaluation studies of the educational impact of camp programs
  • Analyses of the educational challenges of creating Jewish programming at camp
  • Analyses of the challenges of creating and sustaining Jewishly-committed staff at camp
Intents are requested by August 15, 2017 and should include the name of the author(s), author contact information and working title.

Get more information here.

Updated: Nov. 27, 2017
Camps | Experiential education | Informal education | Research