Center for Judaic Studies Seminar in Hebrew Pedagogy

From Section:
Conferences & Events
Oct. 20, 2017
October 20-22, 2017

Source: Denver University


The 2017 (October 20-22) Seminar in Hebrew Pedagogy of the University of Denver & Middlebury Language Schools is a weekend seminar on topics in Hebrew language pedagogy, featuring national scholars from a variety of specializations. The seminar’s theme this year is The Hebrew Lesson Plan: Maximizing Acquisition and Culture-Based Pedagogy. Some hands-on workshops/small groups’ work are planned during the seminar. Depending on the number of registrants and the age groups they teach, the presentations and the workshops will be tailored to address varied needs. As in past seminars, the objective of the seminar is to provide you with practical tools that can be applied to and incorporated into the classroom following the seminar.

2017 Presenters:

Prof. Shmuel Bolozky (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, Professor Emeritus)

Prof. Vardit Ringvald (Middlebury, Institute for the Advancement of Hebrew)

Prof. Shiri Goren (Yale University, Director of the Hebrew Program)

Prof. Ibrahim Miari (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Lecturer in Modern Hebrew Language)

Prof. Yael Gal (Univ. of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Lecturer)

Click here for more information and registration.

Updated: Nov. 27, 2017
Conferences | Hebrew language | Lesson plans | Pedagogy | Workshop