Jewish Youth and Cultural Change: A Conference on Rethinking American Jewish History

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Conferences & Events
Oct. 26, 2008
October 26, 2008

Source: Center for Jewish History


This daylong conference, to be held in New York City, brings together historians, anthropologists, and scholars of culture in order to reflect on the ways in which young Jews experienced their lives as Jews and Americans over the past two centuries, and how communal and cultural change were reflected in anxieties about Jewish youth.


At the conference scholars will ask: How do we tell the history of American Jewish life when we focus on youth? How did young Jewish men and women translate cultural change into American Jewish life? What are the differences between the 21st century and earlier eras? How does cultural memory shape these conversations?


Conference Sessions

The American Jewish Historical Narrative and Youth

Young Immigrants and America

Acculturation and Anxiety about Youth

Post War Youth and Culture

Research on Contemporary Jewish Young Adults

Reflections on a Century of Community Concerns about Jewish Youth:

An evening public program which will bring together scholars, activists, and cultural critics to reflect on these issues.

Among the Conference Presenters:

Riv-Ellen Prell
Jonathan Sarna
Jack Wertheimer
Steven M. Cohen


The Conference is Sponsored by: Center for Jewish History, American Jewish Historical Society, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Ratner Center for the Study of Conservative Judaism, Yeshiva University, University of Minnesota, Goren-Goldstein Center for the Study of American Jewish History at New York University.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Jewish history | North America | Young adults