2008 MOFET JTEC Seminar in Israel for Diaspora Community Leaders – a Summary
The Jewish Community Leaders Seminar program was designed to aid small Diaspora Jewish communities in fostering community life as a cooperative venture between MOFET JTEC - the international channel for the Jewish world at The MOFET INSTITUTE, a leading institution in the field of Teacher Education and "Soul Train”, a program of the Bnei Akiva Yeshiva, Kfar Haroeh, that has been working with small Jewish communities for several years. This seminar was their second joint venture, the first seminar having taken place in July 2007.
The intensive, experiential seminar program which took place in Israel between July 8-28, 2008, enabled participants to acquire knowledge as well as practice Jewish activities and topics, creating a linkage to Israel, for the benefit of their communities.
Twenty three Jewish community leaders participated in the seminar from these locations:
USA – 20
South Africa – 2
Serbia – 1
Jerusalem Heritage – 3 days in Jerusalem Tours: Theoretical Studies: Social Activities: Judea – 2 days in Kibbutz Kfar Etzion Theoretical Studies: Social Activities: Tel Aviv- a week in Israel's central region Tours: Theoretical Studies: Social Activities: Shabbat Home Hospitality The Negev and the Arava – 3 days in the South Tours:
- Massada
- Dead Sea
- Ein Gedi
- Yerucham
- Sdeh Boker – Ben Gurion's Home
Theoretical Studies:
- Morning "Limud"
- Ben Gurion – National Leader - his relations with the Jewish Diaspora
Social Activities:
- Meeting with Amram Mitzna Major-General IDF (res.) and mayor of Yerucham
- Meeting with residents of Yerucham
Haifa and the Galilee - 5 days in the North
- Atlit: Illegal Immigration in pre-State days
- Haifa
- Muchraka
- Meggido
- Beit Yehoshua Hankin (land purchaser) in Gilboa
- Tzippori, the archaeological site – The Mishna
- Kinneret Settlement and Hatzer Kinneret
- The Sea of Galilee
- Tzfat – the Old City and its Synagogues
- Kibbutz Manara
- Ramat HaGolan: The Six Day War, the Yom Kippur War
- The Biblical Garden in Qazrin
- The Olive Press in Qazrin
- Mt. Bental
- Kibbutz Elrom
Theoretical Studies:
- Morning "Limud"
Social Activities:
- Home hospitality in Tzippori
- Artistic activities
- Meeting with Members of the "Urban Kibbutz" in Tivon
- Shabbat in Tzfat
- Tzfat Jewish Ethnic Music
See pictures of the seminar activities here:
Read reflections of seminar participants here:
Get registration information for 2009 seminar here: