Read Hebrew America/Canada (RHA/C) Campaign

From Section:
Adult Education
Nov. 13, 2008

Source: Read Hebrew America/Canada


The National Jewish Outreach Program. located in New York City has announced its annual North American Hebrew literacy campaign to be carried out this fall in hundreds of Jewish congregations and community centers across North America.


The free classes will be run over a period of five weeks, in five 90-minute weekly classes. They are designed for Jewish adults, and seek to teach the fundamentals of reading Hebrew. The NJOP provides participating classes with teachers guide, Level 1 or Level 2 learning materials, as well as a cross-continent, multi-media advertising campaign. The classes aim to help the participants to learn how to follow synagogue services, to be more involved in children's Jewish education and to enhance their ties to Judaism.


NJOP, an independent, non-profit organization founded in 1987, and dedicated to providing a basic Jewish education for every Jew in America, also sponsors basic Hebrew courses, free "Crash Courses" in basic Judaism and Jewish history throughout the year.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Adult education | Community programs | Hebrew language