Or Avner Braces for Cuts as Leviev Hit by Global Crisis
Source: Haaretz, The Jewish Community Online
Or Avner, the world's largest private Jewish educational network, which operates about 100 Jewish schools in Russia and other former Soviet republics as well as cultural and educational activities in more than 100 locales in the former Soviet Union, Israel, Germany and the United States is bracing for budget cuts. The network, headed and financed by Lev Leviev, is feeling the effects of the global economic crisis on the revenue and holdings of its major patron. Or Avner is essentially the executive arm of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS, of which Leviev is president.
The network has no intention of ceasing its activities, however in light of economic developments the management of Or Avner has decided to reexamine the suitability of its activities to the new budgetary realities. The financial crisis has also brought the Israeli government and the Jewish Agency to cut the budget of Heftziba, their school program in the CIS. The resulting situation brings Or Avner to look at places where its investments haven't been effective and to decide whether to continue its activities there.