YOU Lead - A Nine-month Day School Leadership Development Program

From Section:
In-Service Training
Jan. 23, 2019

Source: Prizmah


YOU Lead is a nine-month leadership development program for day school professionals at all levels of educational leadership. YOU Lead combines online and in-person learning, convening, and cohort activities to lead participants through a broad survey of the topics that are most important to successful leadership in Jewish day schools.


The YOU Lead curriculum is designed to provide highly personalized support that promotes professional growth and addresses leaders' most pressing priorities.

Each participant is matched with a cohort or people who are in similar roles in their schools as well as at similar points in their careers in education.

Each week, YOU Leaders participate in online learning modules and have the chance to interact with a variety of leading experts in Jewish education. These modules are designed to meet the specific needs of each cohort, and the curriculum is “spiraled” so that participants at different levels of leadership can approach the same general topic with increasing levels of sophistication.

Twice a month, participants have confidential coaching calls with their mentors to work through their most pressing leadership challenges and questions.

Twice a year, YOU Leaders gather in person to focus on the practical issues that arise throughout the school year and learn from some of the biggest thought leaders in leadership and education.

Because this is a survey course, new topics and facilitators are introduced every 1 - 3 weeks. The curriculum was developed with reference to our research into school leadership and will help you learn about and master the capacities and dispositions that are most important in Jewish day school leadership.

The YOU Lead program is generously funded with a grant from The AVI CHAI Foundation. The total, unsubsidized cost is over $8,000. The cost to each participant is $4,000 plus travel for two conferences.

Click here for more information and registration.

Updated: Mar. 20, 2020
In-service training | Leadership training | Professional development | Day schools