Preparing for the High Holidays with the National Library of Israel
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Learning Resources
Jan. 06, 2019
Source: National Library of Israel
Rosh Hashanah at the end of September? What a great opportunity for teachers! This year’s calendar provides teachers with the time to to delve deeply into the themes of the high holidays. To assist in preparation, the education department of the National Library of Israel has curated high holiday themed resource packs, lesson plans, and activities based on primary sources in the NLI collection and made them available in a central location.
Lessons include:
Learning about the symbolic foods (simanim) traditionally eaten on Rosh Hashanah and writing wishes for the new year. - A Tasty New Year - Symbolic Rosh Hashanah Foods.
Reflecting on the sound of the shofar and considering the memories it evokes. Rosh Hashanah's Theme Music.
Discussing the meaning behind the Kapparot ceremony. The Kapparot Ceremony: A Puzzle for Yom Kippur.
- Reviewing the year and symbolically getting rid of past mistakes. Tashlich – Casting Away One’s Sins.
And much more!
For the entire collection of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur resources, visit the NLI education website.
Updated: Mar. 19, 2020
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