Master’s Concentration in Israel Education- Cohort 10
Source: iCenter
The Master’s Concentration in Israel Education nurtures and challenges the next generation of knowledgeable and passionate educational leaders committed to the integral role of Israel in contemporary Jewish life. Its goal is to develop an approach to Israel education rooted in a sophisticated understanding of contemporary Israel and its history, combined with an innovative educational strategy and practice.
Join cohort 10 of North American graduate and rabbinic students, working together with Israeli educators to shape the future of Israel education.
This program convenes students studying in a broad spectrum of graduate institutions preparing Jewish communal leaders in education, rabbinical studies, non-profit management, and allied fields.
Program Components
Cohort Learning Framework
Students participate in three Chicago-based intensive seminars facilitated by an eclectic faculty comprised of leading Israel educators from around the world. The dates for Cohort 9 are as follows:
May 21 - 23, 2019: A Relational Approach to Israel Education
January 6 - 8, 2020: Creating a Culture of Israel Education
- June 1 - 4, 2020: On Becoming Agents of Change
Relationship Building
Israeli educators participate as part of the cohort, enabling relationship building and meaningful dialogue on education and Israel.
Individualized Mentoring
Students benefit from a personalized pairing with premier professionals for a best-in-class mentor experience.
An Israel Experience
Students receive a $2,000 stipend to create an individualized learning experience in Israel.
Student Work
Students choose a topic of interest in Israel education to research and write a 5-7 page analytic mid-term paper and develop a creative educational final project for use in the field.
Israel Education Network
Join an international network of 200+ iFellows representing Jewish/Israel leadership of today and tomorrow.
Get more information here.