Areyvut – Social Responsibility

From Section:
Informal Education
Jul. 10, 2008

Source: Areyvut


Areyvut enables Jewish youth to infuse their lives with the core Jewish values of chesed (kindness), tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (social action).


A non profit organization established in 2002, Areyvut offers Jewish day
schools, educators, synagogues and community centers unique opportunities to empower and enrich youth by creating innovative and meaningful programs that make these core Jewish values a reality.


Areyvut implements a number of different programs in order to help get Jewish youth involved social action activities:


Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
Areyvut works one on one with Bar/Bat Mitzvah students and their families to find or develop meaningful social action projects that best meet their interests.


Bnai Mitzvah Fair
Areyvut tailors Bnai Mitzvah Fairs to meet the specific needs of schools, synagogues and community centers. Agency representatives present their missions and volunteering to students and their families. Fairs can also include hands-on activities that allow students to experience chesed first hand.


Bnai Mitzvah Essay Contest
Students are invited to share their Bnai Mitzvah projects by participating in Areyvut's Bnai Mitzvah Essay Contest.


Teen Philanthropy Institute
Throughout the year, students work together to allocate their donations among charitable organizations. They learn the importance of philanthropy and gain leadership skills to actively make a difference.


A Kindness a Day Desk Calendar
Areyvut's calendar features 365 ways to make a difference, each correlating to a Jewish source.


Areyvut maintains contact with its community through an email newsletter, a Youtube channel and a Facebook group.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Bar Mitzvah | Bat Mitzvah | High schools | Middle schools | Tikkun olam