CASJE Resources in Response to COVID-19
From Section:
Education & Administration
Mar. 24, 2020
March 24, 2020
Source: CASJE
These are trying and unsettling times. Mandatory closures, bans on in-person gatherings, and stay-at-home orders have all radically changed Jewish education across all sectors. CASJE has curated a set of resources below that look at how these changes are testing education in a variety of settings, including: K-12 schooling, after-school learning, early childhood education, and higher education. What key questions and best practices can guide decision-making as we seek to adapt to new circumstances?
Timely Resources
How are early care and early childhood education centers coping with the crisis?
The conversation about online learning has shifted from: Does it work? to: How quickly can we implement it?
How can funders support after-school programs at this time?
Are we designing online education for surviving not thriving in the age of coronavirus?
Can we reasonably expect parents to homeschool at this time?
- What are best practices for protecting minors in online learning environments?
Updated: May. 20, 2020
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