College for All – Equal Opportunity for Success

From Section:
Formal Education
Aug. 11, 2008

Source: College for All


Pursuing its goal to provide equal opportunities through education, "College for All" identifies and locates children and youth at risk with high learning potential, and provides them with support and tools to enable them to realize their inherent potential and by encouraging them to acquire higher education and become leaders in their communities. The uniqueness of the "College for All" program is in its comprehensive and systematic approach to the child’s world, its commitment to support the children for a period of 10 to 11 years, (some 7,000 hours for each child) and the intensity of its activities (4 times a week – all year long).


Upon completing the program, children are prepared to successfully integrate into institutions of higher learning and as contributing members to Israeli society.


A child in the “College for All” program takes part in a comprehensive, intense curriculum of 16 weekly hours over the course of ten years – from 3rd grade through 12th grade - during which he or she receives a wide variety of academic and social enrichment activities while volunteering in the local community.


“College for All” uses a personal mapping system for each pupil which is based upon in-house testing as well as school test results. Personal mapping techniques detail the subjects and skills in which a pupil needs guidance and support. Based on this personal mapping, an individualized model of support will be created for each student.


Today, 21 centers operate throughout Israel, with over 1,500 pupils under the tutelage of 450 University students, 50 professional teachers and tens of volunteers.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Elementary education | Formal education | High schools | Israel | Middle schools