Something New For Tu Bishvat From Sefaria
Source: Sefaria
Introducing Sefaria Collections!
Sefaria's Groups feature has turned into Collections so now you can add any public source sheet to your collections! You can add sheets to multiple collections, allowing you to organize your sheets as you like. Learn more at the Collections FAQ page, and start your collections with the sheets below.
Celebrate Tu Bishvat with your Community
Sefaria learners love Tu Bishvat and have created over 180 sheets available for you to use as inspiration:
• Discover the intersection between Torah and nature with this new collection of Tu Bishvat sheets from GrowTorah.
• Celebrate the lifecycle of a tree with Rabbi David G. Winship's Tu Bishvat Seder Haggadah.
• Treat your students to Tu Bishvat themed songs and stories from Hadar's Rising Song Institute, which cultivates Jewish spiritual life through song.
• Encourage independent learning with Searching for Trees on Tu Bishvat. Middle school students explore the structure of the Tanakh while celebrating trees and creating lively Tu Bishvat Jamboards.
Explore Contemporary Torah Articles on Sefaria
Want to read contemporary articles about the texts you're studying? Click on a passage, scroll to "Web Pages" in the resource panel, and discover articles from more than 45 external websites that cite the passage you are studying. This Tu Bishvat, read the classic text about trees, Deuteronomy 20:19, and check out "Tu Bishvat 101" from My Jewish Learning — or follow the development of the holiday as described by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz z"l in The Times of Israel.