Who Needs Adult Education?

From Section:
Adult Education
Apr. 01, 2008
April 1, 2009

Source: The Jewish Week


In the wake of the economic crisis, the authors reject the likely response of allocating "all for the children". They believe that this narrow focus on children at the expense of their parents, or adults more broadly defined, would be a strategic mistake — short-sighted and destined to perpetuate problematic patterns in American Jewish life.


The American Jewish community’s focus on our children and young adults must not slight the role that adults play as leaders and teachers. Adults, not children, lead communities. Adults should model for children what is good, what is moral, what is true. Should most of our resources be devoted to children, we would deprive Jewish children of adult role models, exemplars of excellence in Jewish learning, knowledge, commitment.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Adult education | Finance