The Historical Jewish Press Digitization Site
Source: Historical Jewish Press
The National Library of Israel and Tel Aviv University are collaborating in creating a searchable website containing a collection of Jewish newspapers published in various countries, languages, and time periods. Digital versions of each newspaper can be displayed, making it possible to view the papers in their original layout. Full-text search is also available for all content published over the course of each newspaper’s publication.
The Jewish press in its many and varied languages is first and foremost a source of information on the history and culture of world Jewry and on the countries of Jews' residence in the modern era. The Historical Jewish Press website brings the digitization revolution to this field and offers the possibility to perform a full search of all the published text of a given newspaper throughout all the years of its publication. Using the ActivePaper software of the Olive-Software company, the website hopes to make available online the majority of Jewish newspapers and journals published in the past, including extremely rare newspapers to which access has been previously impossible.
The following publications are currently available on the website:
• Bulletin de l'Alliance Israelite Universelle – France - 1860-1913
• Ha-Magid – Prussia, Poland, Austria, - 1856-1903
• L'Avenir Illustré – Morocco - 1926-1940
• Palestine Post – Palestine/Eretz Israel - 1932-1950
• Ha-Levanon - Palestine/Eretz Israel, France, Prussia, Britain - 1863-1886
• Paix et Droit – France - 1860-1913
• Israël – Egypt - 1920-1939