The Jewish High School: A Complete Management Guide

From Section:
Education & Administration
May. 06, 2009

Source: The Jewish High School

Paul J. Shaviv, Director of Education at TanenbaumCHAT, Toronto, has published a complete practical manual for Jewish school management - the first and only book of its kind. Written for High Schools, it is also of interest to professionals and lay leaders at every level of the Jewish school system. In simple, clear language, it gives principles and practice for every area of school operations. Suggested 'scripts' are provided for many difficult situations.


Among the chapters of the 400+ page book:

  1. The Quality of the School
  2. The Principal
  3. The Board of Directors
  4. Management and Structure
  5. The Instruments of Change
  6. The General School Programme
  7. The Jewish Programme
  8. Managing Tensions between 'General' and 'Jewish'
  9. Managing Staff
  10. Problematic Teachers
  11. Managing Students
  12. Discipline, Rules etc.
  13. Managing Parents
  14. Managing Community
  15. Managing non-Academic Issues
  16. Fundraising and Alumni
  17. Memo - To: The Principal

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Administration | Day schools