PresenTense Summer Fellowships

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Conferences & Events
Jul. 10, 2010
June 10 - July 24, 2010

Source: PresenTense Summer Fellowships


Sixteen Jewish innovators will serve in PresenTense Summer Fellowships for innovators to tackle some of the Jewish world's most pressing problems. PresenTense will provide training, education and mentoring programs during the six-week fellowship for ideas from Jewish community engagement and education to social action or Jewish art and games. The fellows are paired with an organization that has a specific need. Among the organizations sponsoring fellows are the Jewish Funders Network, the European wing of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, iCenter and Covenant.


The PresenTense Summer Institute is an intensive six-week bootcamp for social entrepreneurs in Jerusalem, Israel from June 10 - July 24, 2010 — where fellows are trained in the practical skills of social start-up development and are helped by PresenTense and the PresenTense Network to launch their ventures into the world.


PresenTense Summer Institute Tracks

  • General Education
  • Educational Games/Art
  • Israel Education
  • European Jewish Engagement
  • Jewish Youth Engagement
  • Social Action
  • Jewish Communal Innovation

The cost of the PT fellowship is $18,000. All accepted fellows will receive full subsidization in addition to room & board.

Candidates must apply by Feb. 15, 2010.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Fellowships | Incubator | Professional development | Start-ups | Think tank