Gateways and Slingshot: The Use of Visual Supports in Jewish Special Education
Source: Youtube
Gateways received a generous grant from The Slingshot Fund in October 2009. This video is their mid-year report to Slingshot, using the Flip Video Camera they received at the time. The grant and the camera are helping them to document programs, materials and resources for future use. The video documents the use of visual strategies in several of Gateways' Jewish educational programs.
The Slingshot Flip VideoCam and this assignment presented the perfect opportunity to pilot an approach to sharing Gateways' best practices. They decided to focus on one element that could be a pilot of a "teaching case." They selected a research-based practice which they use in all of their work with students with disabilities - the use of visual strategies - and have videotaped examples of this practice being used in several of their Jewish educational programs for students with special learning needs.