The Israel Education Initiative (IEI)

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Israel Education
May. 05, 2010
The Israel Education Initiative of the Bureau of Jewish Education of San Francisco aims to make Israel an integral part of every Jewish educational program, so that all students are knowledgeable about Israeli history, culture and society, as well as have an enduring Jewish identity and a strong sense of Jewish Peoplehood. IEI offers consultations for educators, learning resources, an Israel engagement initiative in Jewish Day schools, engaging events, and seminars in Israel.
Israel Education Initiative staff offers on-site, in person, and on the phone consultations to organizations and individuals who want to create and improve Israel education. Each consultation is tailored to meet custom needs expertise on programs, educational materials, arts and culture projects.
The IEI helped create and develop BASIS - The Israel Education & Engagement Initiative in Bay Area day schools. BASIS strives to bring Jewish students and their families closer to Israel, and to strengthen the connection of their youth to Israel and the Jewish people by making Israel a core part of every school's academic program and culture.
To realize these goals BASIS:
  • Provides all the schools with expertise in Israel education, twinning/partnerships, arts & culture, family education, and visioning and organization development;
  • Pays for one part-time Israel education coordinator for each school to manage the program;
  • Supports a representative leadership team in each school to establish a vision for Israel education in the school;
  • Provides professional development to Israel educators in the schools, including a community of practice for all the Israel education coordinators;
  • Runs seminars and workshops locally and in Israel for the educators and leadership teams, during the summer and throughout the school year to promote Israel education in the schools;
  • Provides grants to each school to achieve their Israel education goals.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Israel education | Professional development | Resources