MAOR – Online Israel Learning Object Repository

From Section:
Learning Resources
Sep. 08, 2010
Source: MAOR
Over the last years, many new learning technologies have been developed and incorporated into many teaching frameworks by lecturers and teachers. To benefit from these developments, an Israeli national learning objects database has been established, entitled MAOR: Meta-data and Object Repository. The database is accessible to all the institutions where teaching takes place, includes diverse and accessible learning objects, and provides tools for searching and locating objects to be used in learning frameworks. Content developers' and users' evaluations of the learning objects which can assist users to integrate the relevant objects into their study programs and lesson plans are also included in the database.
MAOR which is being developed by the Israel Inter-University Computation Center (IUCC), Israel Internet Association (ISOC-IL) and the Israel Ministry of Education includes three main components:
  • Decentralized databases containing objects on various levels, including complete courses and lessons, presentations, simulations, web sites, video/audio clips, blogs, wiki, exercises, assignments, etc.
  • A central database that includes metadata concerning learning objects. This information characterizes the learning objects and enables easy and efficient access to a large number of databases, portals and learning resources.
  • Objects based on free submission by as many entities as possible (teachers and tutors from a variety of institutions), subject to review and inspection.
MAOR currently includes over 30,000 learning objects for use  in higher education, k-12 and by the general public.

The site contains a sophisticated search engine which allows access to learning objects, by key words, titles, language, subject matter, author, date, grade level, etc.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Databases | Israel | Learning objects | Online resources