RAVSAK Project SuLaM: Study, Leadership, Mentoring
Source: Ravsak SuLaM Project
SuLaM is open to Jewish heads of school and other administrative leaders working at Jewish day schools who are looking for an opportunity to grow Judaically as professionals. The two-year program gives people the knowledge and skills to take ownership of the Jewish vision of their schools.
The first year is devoted to personal growth; participants take part in two two-week summer institutes of intensive immersion in Jewish studies, followed by formulating individual action plans designed to undertake Jewish leadership and continued study throughout the year.
In the second year, participants bring on two additional members to form a school team that crafts an initiative making a meaningful, lasting impact on the school's Jewish identity. Throughout the program, mentors work with participants one-on-one, providing support and guidance in all aspects of this journey.
SuLaM is fully funded, thanks to the generous support of the AVI CHAI Foundation. It is open to administrators work ing in any Jewish day school, including community and denominational schools.