We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The Jewish Portal of Teacher Education resource list. The current issue contains information items about Jewish education teaching resources and lesson plans, technology and innovation, teaching Hebrew, inclusion, professional development opportunities and much more.
We are proud to share with you an original article by Diane Romm, a veteran Jewish education librarian, in which she tells about how she created The Jewish Guide to the Internet as well as more invaluable rich online Judaica resources for the benefit of the Jewish education community.
MOFET International invites you to attend a free online webinar on “Using Multimedia to Promote Language Skills” on Sunday, January 27, 2019, 9:00PM – 10:30PM - Israel time given by Dr. Elaine Hoter, a Fulbright scholar and co-founder of the Center for Technology and Multiculturalism. This webinar will introduce the course “digital story telling” and the theory behind using digital media to improve language proficiency.
Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,
Reuven Werber