Apr. 12, 2011
Dear subscriber, 

MOFET JTEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to send you the latest issue of The MOFET JTEC Portal resource listing.

The current bulletin contains research findings, educational resources, conference information, etc. selected from journals and other Jewish education publications.

As the Pesach Festival approaches we have included a number of items which we hope can help make your celebration of the Festival of Freedom, Spring and Matzot a richer experience for you, your families and your students.

The MOFET International Channel would like to take this opportunity to announce the launching of our sister MOFET ITEC Education Portal in Spanish, which will serve Spanish speaking educators around the world.

We would also like to invite you to join our upcoming free Jewish education webinars: 

A Millstone Round His Neck and He Studies Torah? The Tension between Personal Career and Family Obligations as Depicted in the Stories of the Sages with Prof. Avigdor Shinan in Hebrew on Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 7:00 – 8:30 P.M. Israel time

Si tan sólo nos hubiera acercado al Monte Sinaí, y no nos hubiera entregado la Torá, ¡hubiera sido suficiente? with Rabino Dr. Mordejai Maarabi in Spanish on Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 7:00 – 8:30 P.M. Israel time

Wishing you a joyous and uplifting Pesach and interesting and enjoyable reading,

Reuven Werber

The MOFET JTEC Portal Team

April 12, 2011 Jewish Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
April 2011
Featured Items
Passover Exodus Twitplay
Educator Lisi Geffen was looking for a creative way to interest high school students in learning the Pesach story, which they study year after year. Her creative solution is today’s technology teaching tip – The Pesach Twitplay. You’ve heard the Passover story, now watch it unfold, in real time, with a modern twist, on Twitter. 8 characters live the story over 3 weeks. The characters in this play are being played by a group of online educators and their friends as a pilot run for this activity. Follow them on Twitter using the #exod2011 hashtag.
Haggadot.com – The Global Seder Table
This website is a resource for Jews of all backgrounds to make the Haggadah that feels meaningful to them for a contemporary seder, with unique perspectives gathered from individuals worldwide. Whatever your background, Haggadot.com invites you to find your place in the Passover conversation through the seder's central text, the haggadah. Now you can access classical texts and contemporary interpretations to create a more personalized Passover experience.
Gateways Passover Learning Resources
Gateways recently launched a resource bank of activities for special needs students. Their goal is to share user-friendly resources that will be helpful and effective when working with any type of learner. Resources are organized by thematic units, such as holidays, and by type, such as file folder activities. A collection of resources for Passover and the Seder are now available on their website.
Order your Seder in a Box – Boston Area Residents
Aiming to make Passover more accessible to the young adults, JewishBoston.com , an online hub for the area’s Jewish community, is offering its first do-it-yourself Seder kit. Free to Boston-area residents, ages 18 to 40, who sign up by April 8, “Seder in a Box’’ includes just about everything but the food and the guests: a Seder plate, a basic Haggadah, a leader’s guide, recipes, a shopping list, instructions for setting the table, and a matzo cover.
The Yad Vashem YouTube Eichmann Trial Channel
Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority, has opened two new YouTube channels showing the video documentation of the Eichmann trial to mark its 50th anniversary, one with a simultaneous English-language translation. The channels are a cooperative effort between Yad Vashem, The Israel State Archives, and Google. The Eichmann Trial Channel contains over 200 hours of trial sessions and a compilation of testimonies. Yad Vashem also created a website about the trial with featured documents, testimony, photos and articles about the trial.
Kveller – A Website with a Jewish Twist on Parenting
Kveller.com is the first and only Jewish parenting website aimed at parents from across the Jewish religious spectrum, with special attention paid to interfaith families and the less-affiliated. From its popular Jewish Baby Name Bank to its prolific bloggers, Kveller has content reflecting all types of Jewish families: observant, interfaith, queer, divorced and more. It also connects parents to local organizations and events, including piloting online communities with calendars of events and lists of resources, as well as local Facebook groups.
April 2011
All Recent Items
Trends in Jewish Education
Report: Future of Judaism Studies at Israeli Universities at Risk

Formal Education

The Grammar of Congregational Schooling: Looking Beyond the Synagogue at an Institutional Template
Names, Not Numbers: An Intergenerational Multimedia Oral History Curriculum
Israel Education Ministry Budgets NIS 19 Million to Establish a High School Program Combining Core Classes with Religious Studies for 500 Haredi Teenagers

Informal Education

Limud by the Lake Revisited: Growth and Change at Jewish Summer Camp

Adult Education

The Ruderman Fellows Program for Israeli Leaders
The Jewish Book Network

Teacher Education

The Yeshiva University Certificate Program in Experiential Jewish Education
Contextualizing a Master: Nehama Leibowitz, History and Exegesis

In-Service Training

Darim Online Social Media Boot Camp for Educators 2011-2012

Israel Education

AVI CHAI Israel Jewish Identity DVD Project
Pluralistic Approaches to Israel Education
iCamp Kallah 2011
Israel in Our Lives: A Series of Guidebooks

Technology & Computers

The Rationale for Educational Technology for General and Jewish Studies
Passover Exodus Twitplay
Children in a Digital Age: Parent Guide
iLearn at The Stephen S. Wise Temple Religious School
A Shift in Educational Technology

Conferences & Events

PELIE Technology Fellows Program: ISTE 2011
Collaborative Text Study and Reflective Practice: Deepening An Inquiry Stance in Teaching and Learning - A Summer Workshop

Learning Resources

Tomorrow’s Genius – an Online Tutoring Service
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio
Order your Seder in a Box – Boston Area Residents
Haggadot.com – The Global Seder Table
Kveller – A Website with a Jewish Twist on Parenting
MediaMidrash – Linking Videos with Compelling Curricular Content
Gateways Passover Learning Resources
Traces of History: The Jewish Community in Salonika
The Yad Vashem YouTube Eichmann Trial Channel
April 2011
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the JTEC Portal.

If you wish to receive future editions of this newsletter please subscribe at the MOFET JTEC Portal website: http://jtec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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If you are having trouble reading this newsletter it is also available at: http://jtec.macam.ac.il/portal/NewsletterArchive.aspx.

All recent items