MOFET JTEC Portal Newsletter
We are delighted to send you the latest issue of The MOFET JTEC Portal resource listing.
The current bulletin contains research findings, educational resources, conference information, etc. selected from journals and other Jewish education publications.
As we go to press, a number of our MOFET JTEC educators are preparing and delivering professional development seminars to Judaica teachers in different parts of the globe. We hope to report on them in our forthcoming newsletters.
As the summer vacation approaches, a number of listings of conferences and courses for Jewish educators have been included to help you utilize the summer months for professional development and growth.
Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,
Reuven Werber
The MOFET JTEC Portal Team
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
YCT Rabbinical School Ninth Annual Yemei Iyun on Bible and Jewish Thought
YCT Rabbinical School is pleased to invite all Judaic Studies teachers as well as lovers of serious Tanakh and Mahshavah study to their Ninth Annual Yemei Iyun on Bible and Jewish Thought on Sunday, June 26 - Monday, June 27, 2011 at the Maayanot High School in Teaneck , NJ. The program, co-sponsored with Beit Morasha of Jerusalem, Drisha Institute for Jewish Education, the Lookstein Center for Jewish Education, Yeshivat Maaleh Gilboa, Yeshivat Maharat, and Yeshivat Torat Yosef-Hamivtar will feature 70 shiurim in just under forty-eight hours given by the leading lights of Tanakh and Jewish thought both in Israel and in the United States.
Connecting to Jewish Roots, Young Leader Builds Peer Network
JDC writes about how participation in its Moscow based young leaders training program, Knafaim, helped Tanya Kirzner discover her Jewish roots and launch her own professional development program for young Jews. Based in Moscow, the Knafaim program cultivates young, local Jewish leadership. The year-long program provides young adults (ages 20-30) with education and training to enhance their management abilities, improve their professional skills, and broaden their Jewish knowledge, all in order to deepen their connection to the Jewish community and nurture constant and continuous involvement in Jewish life in Moscow.
Young Jewish Educators Invited to NewCAJE2 Annual Conference
One hundred of the best and brightest young (age 23-42 ) professionals from all fields of Jewish Education will be invited to come to NewCAJE2 at American Hebrew Academy, Greensboro NC between July 31 - August 3, 2011. We are looking for thoughtful teachers and future leaders of Jewish education across geographical, demographical and denominational lines. Our definition of teacher is anyone involved in the transmission of Jewish education and culture: classroom teachers, principals, rabbis, cantors, artists, writers, musicians, storytellers, communal service professionals, layleaders, bloggers, website developers, webinaristas and parents.
Our Shared Legacy: World War II and “The Joint”
The American Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) has recently made available online an archive containing over 500,000 names, and more than 1,000 photographs in records of the relief organization's vast efforts during World War II and the postwar era in 24 countries, from China and Japan to the Dominican Republic and Bolivia. The records open a singular view into the lives of survivors that the JDC aided during that cataclysmic period. The collection of documents is searchable by the names appearing on them. The galleries of photos in the collection are organized by country and location where JDC worked during and after the war. Visitors to the site are requested to help the JDC identify the people in the images by adding identity tags to them.
The DigitalJLearning Network: Encouraging Online Courses in Jewish Day High Schools and Yeshivot in North America
The Jewish Education Project, JESNA and the AVI CHAI Foundation are seeking up to 15 Day School and Yeshiva high schools in North America to become a vanguard for advancing digital learning. If your school is already providing online learning opportunities for its students or is ready to initiate an online learning program, we encourage your application to the emerging DigitalJLearning Network for the advancement of online learning. During the 2011–2012 academic year, members of this Network will collaborate in documenting their successes, challenges, and promising practices with support from the three sponsors. The sponsors want to help participating schools achieve their individual learning goals while learning more about creating supportive infrastructures for the successful integration of online learning into Jewish high school settings.