MOFET JTEC Portal Newsletter
We are delighted to send you the latest issue of The MOFET JTEC Portal resource listing.
As we send this newsletter before Chanukah, we have included a number of learning activities to enrich your Chanukah experiences in your classrooms, clubs and homes.
We have included a number of MOFET learning activities for teachers, administrators and Jewish community leaders. You can take advantage of some of these activities from your homes or schools and others while visiting in Israel.
May the Chanukah lights bring us joy, courage, love and strengthening of our Jewish values!
Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,
Reuven Werber
The MOFET JTEC Portal Team
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
Fifty Chanukah Fun Classroom Activities
Do your students already know how to light the candles? Do they already know about the Maccabees? Here is a list of 49+ fun and creative activities to make Chanukah/Hanukkah come alive in the classroom. The activities were submitted to the Lookstein Center website by classroom teachers from all around. Some are appropriate for elementary school students, while others are better for middle and high school.
MOFET - Teacher Education, Teaching and Information & Communication Technologies (T&T and ICT) Israel Seminar
The MOFET Institute, which is involved in research and the professional development of teacher educators, and works toward the integration of communication and information technologies among the teacher educators and the decision makers in the field, invites you to participate in a unique study tour, which will include an introduction to The MOFET Institute, visits to teacher education institutions and institutions of higher education, trips to schools in which communication-based programs and online teaching are implemented, and an encounter with the Israeli hi-tech industry.
Teaching Hebrew in the Diaspora: Problems, Challenges, and Directions
In this forthcoming webinar, we shall investigate a few of the problems and pedagogical questions that preoccupy the teachers and the language policy-makers in Jewish schools in the Diaspora. These questions include the issue of 'Hebrew in Hebrew', stressing classical Hebrew (Biblical Hebrew) or spoken Hebrew (contemporary Hebrew), fostering oral expression, and so on. By means of a joint discussion, we shall outline several teaching directions while emphasizing the special challenges facing the teacher in the Diaspora.
Registration Opens for the MOFET JTEC Seminar in Israel for Spanish Speaking Diaspora Community Leaders – Summer, 2011
Registration has just opened for MOFET JTEC's special leadership seminar in Israel for leaders of Jewish communities in the Spanish speaking world. It will focus on Jewish leadership models throughout Jewish history to the present, on the analysis of the participants' management styles, and on designing ways to promote the participants' role as community leaders now and in the future. During the two week seminar, the participants will study, tour the country, and meet prominent Israelis such as ministers, Members of the Knesset, Ministry of Education officials, leaders of social organizations, and much more.
Ethics and Aesthetics in Holocaust Literature and Film
Cynthia Ozick, in her article 'The Rights of History and the Rights of Imagination,' raises the issue of ethical considerations and moral responsibility when writing about the Holocaust. Ozick asserts that 'what is permissible to the playfully ingenious author of Robinson Crusoe - fiction masking as chronicle - is not permitted to those who touch on the destruction of six million souls, and on the extirpation of their millennial civilization in Europe.' This webinar will focus on the tension that exists between ethics and aesthetics when analyzing Holocaust literature and film.
Israeli Schools Turn to IDF for Better Teachers
As part of a joint project with the Israel Defense Forces, 100 high school students will be chosen each year to participate in a special elite program that allows them to complete a bachelor's degree before performing an extended army service of six years, instead of the usual two or three. During the six years, they would serve as school teachers, primarily in the periphery. This is part of the Israeli Education Ministry's plans to improve the quality of instruction at the country's schools.