MOFET JTEC Portal Newsletter
Dear Subscriber,
We are delighted to send you the latest issue of The MOFET JTEC Portal resource listing.
The current bulletin contains information items dealing with research on teaching Judaics and Hebrew, Israel education, professional development opportunities and useful educational resources, including resources for use on Chanukah.
We have just published a collection of articles that were collated and edited following the International Online Conference: Teaching Hebrew as an Additional Language to Diverse Populations in Israel and around the World", which was held in May 2015. A festive gathering in honor of the launching of the collection will be held at The MOFET Institute on Thursday, December 22, 2016, from 04:30 p.m. to 06:30 p.m. Participation in the gathering is open to the public and free of charge. Nevertheless, if you wish to attend please confirm your participation by sending an email to international@macam.ac.il.
In January 2017, we will be holding the Second International Online Seminar in the field of Teaching Hebrew as an Additional Language. The seminar to be held in Hebrew, titled "Educating learners of Hebrew according to their characteristics and needs: Tailoring programs and teaching methods to various populations of Hebrew learners", will comprise four online sessions to be held on Mondays and Thursdays at 09:00 p.m. Israel time. For the program and registration, click here.
Wishing you a Chanukah with much light & warmth,
Reuven Werber
The MOFET JTEC Portal Team
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
Websites and Apps to Light Up Your Hanukkah!
Whether you teach high school or kindergarten, you’ll find a Hanukkah resource here you can use! These websites and apps can be adapted to provide a variety of learning experiences for your students, including blended learning. For more information on how to integrate these resources into your Hanukkah curriculum, contact us!
Lookstein Center Seminar in NYC - Academic Bible Study and the Orthodox Student
The Lookstein Center is pleased to announce a four-day (June 19-22, 2017) intensive seminar designed to equip Jewish educators with knowledge, research, and resources to address the topic of academic Bible study. Participants will be rewarded with a rich program of text study, shiurim, and workshops designed specifically for Jewish educators. This fully funded program will be held at the Ramaz school in NYC, immediately prior to the popular YCT Yemei Iyun in Tanach and Jewish Thought. The program is led by Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman (Academic Director) and Rabbi Dr. Zvi Grumet (Educational Director).
Second Hebrew Language Literature Review Explores How Language Learning Influences Identity, Relationships with Community
CASJE (the Consortium for Applied Studies in Jewish Education) today released the second of three literature reviews that explores what recent research about heritage, second and foreign language learning means for the teaching and learning of Hebrew. The newest review, Contributions of Second/Foreign Language Learning Scholarship to Identity Development and Hebrew Education, looks closely at how second/foreign language acquisition relates to learners’ identity development and their relationships with various cultures, groups and communities. New research focused specifically on Hebrew learning would help Jewish educators understand how their learners both relate to and are influenced by Hebrew.
CJEiLearn – A Portal to the World of Jewish Education Technology
The world of education is moving fast, especially in the realm of education technology. How can Jewish educators keep up with the frenetic pace of new sites, apps and platforms appearing (and disappearing) constantly? More to the point, how can these resources be adapted to the world of Jewish education? Thus was born the idea of CJEiLearn. Created by the Friedman Commission for Jewish Education, located in West Palm Beach, Florida, CJEiLearn is a free resource specifically geared for Jewish educators working in both supplementary and day school settings. It is designed to help make sense out of the virtual “embarrassment of riches” that characterizes the Ed Tech universe, uniquely framing it within the needs of Jewish education.
The Rise and Rise of Jewish Schools in the United Kingdom: Numbers, Trends and Policy Issues
The number of Jewish children in Jewish schools in the UK has almost doubled since the mid-1990s, rising from 16,700 then to over 30,000 now, while the number of Jewish schools has jumped from 62 to 139 over the same period. This report is the first in a series of studies being produced by the new partnership between the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, cooperating on the collection, analysis and publication of key community statistics. The results of the study show that the majority of the 30,900 Jewish children studying in Jewish schools in 2014/15 were in haredi schools (17,500, or 57%), whilst the remainder (13,400, or 43%) were in mainstream schools. Twenty years ago, the equivalent proportions were 45% strictly Orthodox, 55% mainstream. The shifting balance provides further evidence of the changing composition of the British Jewish community.
A Sephardi Chanukah Resource Guide
Happy Chanukah! This is a resource guide for Jewish educators interested in enriching their classrooms with the beauty and depth of Sephardi and Mizrachi Culture. Here you will find texts, lesson plans, stories and recipes that can be used in formal and informal educational frameworks, from day schools to religious schools and everything in between. All educational materials include traditions, commentaries and customs of Sephardi and Mizrachi Jews for the Chanukah Holiday.