Feb. 14, 2012
Dear subscriber, 

MOFET JTEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to send you the latest issue of The MOFET JTEC Portal resource listing. 

Among the listings in the current bulletin are articles on Jewish experiential education initiatives, online learning resources and professional development opportunities as well as invitations to attend MOFET International online webinars on cutting edge educational technology and imaginative ways to teach about Purim.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the spring semester of the MOFET Online Academy for educators is about to begin. Check out our course listings and sign up now! 

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,
Reuven Werber

The MOFET JTEC Portal Team

February 14, 2012 Jewish Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
February 2012
Featured Items
Beyond Costumes and Hamantaschen: Teaching Strategies for a More Meaningful Purim - A MOFET Webinar with Rabbi Reuven Spolter
The Purim story addresses questions of Jewish identity and assimilation, of choosing between two evils to produce a desired outcome, and even of the very notion of Jewish peoplehood. In this upcoming free MOFET JTEC Webinar, through a brief examination of some key sections of Megillat Esther, we'll address these and other issues related to Purim, and offer some creative ways to introduce them into the classroom.
Hands-on Experience through Location-Based Learning on Mobile Platforms (Smartphones & Tablets) – A MOFET Webinar with Shani Ziv & David Lachmish
In this free webinar, to be held on Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 19:00 – 20:30 - Israel time, you will get a glimpse into the developing world of using mobile devices for educational use. It aspires to create a learning experience that will go beyond a computerized lecture and discussion. If you are successful, you will go out (or send somebody) to examine your newly created experimental learning object using your mobile platform.
Jewish Educational Leadership. Fall, 2011 - Assessment
The Fall, 2011 issue of Jewish Educational Leadership focuses on Assessment. It addresses questions such as: How do we know that our students are learning what we think we are teaching? Should students be measured against other students or against their own potential? Can we measure success in areas such as Jewish connectedness, commitment, beliefs and values?
Retaining Day School Teachers Involves More than Networks and Workplace Happiness
Dr. Ezra Kopelowitz responds to a number of previous posts about teacher retention on the eJewish Philanthropy blog. He cites findings from an evaluation of the Pardes Educators Alumni Support Project (PEASP) he conducted with Stephen Markowitz which points to the fact that teachers, like other Jewish communal professionals, have different kinds of challenges at different points in their careers, which require different kinds of support at different points in one’s career trajectory.
Jewish Interactive Develops Shabbat Interactive Learning Pilot
Jewish Interactive, an innovative non-profit organisation, founded in South Africa, that strives to create interactive Jewish programs, utilizing modern technology, has implemented a multimedia learning pilot 'Shabbat Interactive' in tens of schools in South Africa and UK. They also recently presented the pilot at the North American Jewish Day Schools conference in the US.
February 2012
All Recent Items
Trends in Jewish Education
Coming Soon: MA in Shoah Studies at Haifa University
Etrog – An Experiential Learning Program at Ulpanat Neveh Channah
Jewish Spirit – an Experiential Jewish Identity Program in Israeli Schools
New Group Moving Jewish Family Education to the Forefront
Goals of Assessment in Traditional Jewish Educational Institutions

Formal Education

Ra’anana Parents Celebrate Opening of Pluralistic, Traditional Tali Public School
Who Said Anything About Grades? Assessments WITHOUT Grades

Informal Education

Areyvut's National Mitzvah Day
Teens Seek Something Greater than Themselves
Reshet Ramah Launched to Network Camp Alumni
Fear Factor: How Do We Teach Our Kids About the Holocaust Without Scarring Them for Life?
Education: Racism’s Antidote

Teacher Education

Retaining Day School Teachers Involves More than Networks and Workplace Happiness

In-Service Training

Hidden Sparks Without Walls Webinars, Spring 2012
#JEDCHAT: The NetWork At-Work – Thoughts on the Washington Post Article
Beyond Costumes and Hamantaschen: Teaching Strategies for a More Meaningful Purim - A MOFET Webinar with Rabbi Reuven Spolter
Applications for the Hidden Sparks Internal Coach Program Now Being Accepted!
Hands-on Experience through Location-Based Learning on Mobile Platforms (Smartphones & Tablets) – A MOFET Webinar with Shani Ziv & David Lachmish

Education & Administration

The Covenant Foundation Announces New Grants
Jewish Educational Leadership. Fall, 2011 - Assessment

Israel Education

Israel Up Close
Jewish Peoplehood and Human Beings

Technology & Computers

Web Tools for Jewish Formal and Informal Experiential Education
Jewish Interactive Develops Shabbat Interactive Learning Pilot

Conferences & Events

Eighth International Conference on Holocaust Education
Yad Vashem Summer International Educators Seminar
Innovators Take the Lead at World ORT’s Wingate Seminar

Learning Resources

“Every Survivor has a Story to Tell.” Introducing IWitness & its 1000 Stories
Hebrew through Movement – Ivrit B'tnuah for Part Time Jewish Educational Programs
Teaching the Legacy #26 – Art & Commemoration – Visual Arts
February 2012
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the JTEC Portal.

If you wish to receive future editions of this newsletter please subscribe at the MOFET JTEC Portal website: http://jtec.macam.ac.il/portal/

To unsubscribe from the MOFET JTEC Portal mailing list please click here.

If you are having trouble reading this newsletter it is also available at: http://jtec.macam.ac.il/portal/NewsletterArchive.aspx.

All recent items