MOFET JTEC Portal Newsletter
Dear Subscriber,
We are delighted to send you the latest issue of The MOFET JTEC Portal resource listing.
The current bulletin contains research findings, educational resources, conference information, etc. selected from journals and other Jewish education publications.
This issue contains items dealing with planning for innovation and change in Jewish education as well as a listing of upcoming conferences and professional development sessions for Jewish educators. We would like to remind you that The MOFET Online Academy has opened registration for the Spring 2013 semester with a rich roster of courses for teaching Jewish Studies, Hebrew, Information and Communication Technologies in Education and English as a Foreign Language. We also invite you to attend our upcoming MOFET JTEC Webinar, The Talmud as a Teacher of Teachers with Dr. Tzvi Kanarek.
Wishing you a warm and comfortable winter from blessedly rainy Israel!
Reuven Werber
The MOFET JTEC Portal Team
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
MOFET Online Academy Opens Registration for the Upcoming Spring, 2013 Semester
The MOFET Institute's Online Academy for Teachers has opened registration for the Spring, 2013 semester of online courses. The Online Academy runs two tracks of courses for professional development of teachers: The Online Academy for Teaching Jewish Studies and Hebrew and The Online Academy for Teaching Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The spring semester begins on February 24, 2013 and concludes on June 16, 2013.
Avi Chai Foundation Projects in the Former Soviet Union
In the course of the past seven years, the central focus of AVI CHAI’s work in the FSU has turned to reaching out to the widest and most diverse Jewish audience, which represents the overwhelming majority of post-Soviet Jewry. By extending beyond conventional Jewish establishment activities, we have identified what may be a golden opportunity to reach those young, well-educated Jews who rarely, if ever, participate in organized Jewish activity, and for whom the term “hidden Jews” is perhaps most applicable. These programs, all led by local Jewish leadership, are unique in Russia, paving the path to what we hope will be a model that can be strengthened and expanded in years to come.
Toward a More Effective Mentoring Model: An Innovative Program of Collaboration
In this article the authors describe and analyze the first 2 years of a mentoring program designed to support teacher retention and growth. The program, planned between a Jewish education agency and university faculty, was implemented in several Orthodox Jewish day schools. Mentoring was provided by university faculty and the relationship between the mentor and teacher was non-evaluative and fully collaborative. Data collected from mentors, teachers, and principals are analyzed and presented, and implications for Jewish day schools are discussed.
Israeli Entrepreneurs Use Facebook to Teach Kids History
Longtime friends and education enthusiasts Michael Shurp and Roi (Ziko) Tzikorel’s new project, “Making History: Israel on the Timeline,” is attempting to use Facebook as a tool to learn history resource material on a platform friendly and attractive to youth. 'Making History” is a series of Facebook pages in Hebrew that use the “timeline” format of Facebook to create online study guides that are free for all Israeli high school students, and focus on the subjects needed to pass the standardized matriculation exam in history.
The Talmud as a Teacher of Teachers – a MOFET JTEC Webinar
MOFET JTEC - Jewish Teacher Education Community of The MOFET Institute is proud to present an online webinar to the global Jewish education community with Dr. Tzvi Kanarek on “The Talmud as a Teacher of Teachers!” on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - 7:00-8:30P.M. - Israel time. 12:00 – 13:30 EST.